Louis Chude-Sokei is a writer and scholar whose work includes the award-winning, The Last Darky: Bert Williams, Black on Black Minstrelsy and the African Diaspora (Duke, 2005), The Sound of Culture: Diaspora and Black Technopoetics (Wesleyan, 2015) and the forthcoming Dr. Satan’s Echo Chamber and Other Essays (Wesleyan, 2020). He is the editor in chief of The Black Scholar, one of the oldest and currently leading journal of Black Studies in the United States. He’s also a Professor of English, the George and Joyce Wein Chair of African American Studies and the director of the African American Studies Program at Boston University.

  • Machines and the Ethics of Miscegenation

    How do we create synthetic bodies without the histories and habits of how we have previously treated, known, and organized different bodies? How do we apprehend a synthetic mind without tripping over...